Portfolio Category: Testing

BARMER Bonus Program

Project: BARMER Bonus Program Year: 2022-2024 Description: Expansion and further development of the bonus program, which is part of the BARMER app, a mobile application of the German health insurance company BARMER. Responsibilities: Design Lead, Research, Interaction Design, Prototyping, Usabilty Testing The BARMER Bonus Program rewards policyholders for health-conscious behavior and participation in preventive health […]

Redesign Surgical Content Management Platform

Project: Redesign Surgical Content Management Platform Year: 2020 Description: Redesign of qvident, a web based content management platform for managing and reviewing recorded surgical data. Responsibilities: Design Lead, Research, Interaction Design, Prototyping, Testing, QA Link: https://caresyntax.com/qvident/ Image: Dashboard on desktop, tablet and mobile   STATUS QUO 2018 The two major software products in 2018 were […]

Football Manager Game – Project Description

Project: Football Manager Game Year: 2014-2016 Description: The goal of this project was to create a casual Football Manager Game for mobile devices. During the two years I was the UX lead within the team responsible for research, interaction design, visual design, prototyping, testing and quality assurance (QA). Deliverables: Research, Interaction Design, Visual Design, Prototyping, Testing, QA Timeline Image: timeline of […]