Redesign Surgical Content Management Platform
Interaction Design, Prototyping, QA, Research, TestingProject: Redesign Surgical Content Management Platform
Year: 2020
Description: Redesign of qvident, a web based content management platform for managing and reviewing recorded surgical data.
Responsibilities: Design Lead, Research, Interaction Design, Prototyping, Testing, QA
Link: https://caresyntax.com/qvident/
Image: Dashboard on desktop, tablet and mobile
The two major software products in 2018 were qvident and CX Prime (used inside of an operation room). As you can see in this picture, both applications looked like products from different companies. No visual consistency and no value of brand recognition. Both applications were created before I joined the company. Besides the improvement of ux and usability one addtional goal was also to improve the visual appearance of both products.
In the beginning of the redesign I did a visual design workshop with stakeholders from different departments of caresyntax. The goal was to get a common understanding of how the software should look and feel in the future. The new visual design of qvident is based on the outcome of this workshop.
Based on the feedback from customers, the outcome of the design reviews I did and the new feature set I started working on the new information architecture of qvident.
The next step was to create concepts for a new responsive navigation system. Based on the feedback from users, and internal Stakeholders we decided to use a side navigation bar, which turns into a hamburger menu on mobile devices.
Afterwards I started working on the different pages of new qvident using Adobe XD.
For every page I created a single design document including the whole functionality and user flow for desktop, tablet and mobile devices. For the visual design we created a styleguide containing all relevant pages, ui elements, fonts and colors. Both design documents and styleguide were available online to make them accessible for everyone in the team and company.
We regularly tested qvident with potential end users from different countries. In preparation of the tests I created clickable prototypes. For most tests we used e.g. Lookback as a remote testing tool. Besides identifying ux and usablility issues we also tested the visual design pillars, which were created based on the design workshop from the beginning of the redesign. We collected and analysed the feedback from our users and put all the findings into a spreadsheet. That made it easier for us to identify the critical issues. Afterwards we prioritized the problems, created potential solutions, updated the designs and tested again.